Saturday, March 23, 2013

Architect: Curator of spatial associations

Architects are professionals who choose which associations you’ll have in your head when you experience a building.

Left: Subtle associations; The Pierre, Olson Kundig Architects. Right: Not so much; Inntel Hotel, WAM

Every form, every shape and every material has a different association attached to it. It is the role of the architect to combine these associations to create a space which both entertains and enlightens. Anyone can build a structure, and anyone can create any association they wish, the role of the architect is to consciously choose the associations a building will have, down to every element and detail. Wood looks warm, stone looks cold. Blue feels relaxed and orange feels energetic. We do not perceive the world as it is, but rather by what associations we have of it. 

The role of an architect is to choose which psychological associations you will think of when you experience a building.