Wednesday, July 20, 2011

You: What's wrong

You ignore the world’s wars; the poverty; the suffering and death.
You avoid facing reality because it’s too depressing.
We all keep avoiding it and because of this it keeps getting worse.
The whole of humanity needs a kick up the arse because we are all acting so selfishly and so stupidly right now it’s a disgrace.
The far away horrors that we all ignore everyday are not helped by us continually ignoring them.
In our image based society we are continually encouraged to get more, to do more and to look better. The unimportant has taken over our lives and we are trapped in a corrupted paradigm of reality where we are blind to how obviously unsustainable the current state of our civilisation is. We’re not planning properly for the future because we can barely make sense of the present. We ignore the world’s wars; the poverty; the suffering and death. We avoid facing reality because it’s too depressing and if we keep doing this it’s just going to get worse. What are you doing with your life? Are you actually making the world a better place?
A powerful image from Sudan. Sadly, years later, if anything things have gotten worse.

The reason why I try to be the best I can be is to prove to myself that humans can be noble creatures. Few others give me hope for a better future so I am forced to be my own example. If I can’t even bring myself to live a life of positive influence on the planet, then what faith could I possibly have in everyone else?
The problem with today’s society is that it is a system built on deception and which requires this deception to operate. If the truth behind the capitalist system was known by all then perhaps it would end, but then again that is what Guy Debord thought. (More on him later)

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